Omicron symptoms latest – dr Garima
Omicron variant symptoms are spreading faster than the previous variants of COVID-19 or delta. Omicron symptoms are spreading to others even if they are vaccinated or never has any symptoms. Latest omicron symptoms include running nose with loss of appetite.
At a Glance –
MOST COMMON SYMPTOMS (5 most common symptoms) –
- Cough.
- Fatigue.
- Congestion.
- Running nose.
- Severe body ache.
Omicron symptoms sequence –
Symptoms usually started with body ache, generalized weakness and fatigue, fever with headache and severe chilliness. These symptoms usually develop in initial days of suffering. After then, dry cough starts with severe cold i.e. running nose, sneezing. Fever resolves within 3 days usually if not, it shows disease has landed in to moderate to severe one.
Other symptoms include night sweats & Diarrhea.
Mild fever i.e. low-grade fever from 100 – 101 degree is the first to come. It remains for 3 – 5 days. However, there is severe fatigue for 7 – 8 days. There is fluent coryza i.e. severe running nose. Although itching in throat remains mild or moderate. However, patient wants to scratch the throat from inside. Coryza is there with no cough is the second most common symptom to occur.
There is severe loss of appetite i.e. there is no hunger. Patient doesn’t want to eat anything even the thought of the food let him to nausea. There is continuous nausea i.e. continuous sensation of vomiting but there is no vomiting exactly. Body ache is too common i.e. too severe joint pains – all the small joints are affected more but big joints are also painful even severe muscle pain is also there.
There is no loss of smell or taste as in delta virus.
According to Dr. Harish Chafle, Senior consultant; Pulmonology and Critical care at Global hospital of Mumbai omicron symptoms are classified into less common and severe ones.
Most common symptoms, in other words omicron mild symptoms are
- Fever.
- Cough.
- Loss of appetite.
- Tiredness.
- image source from medical xpress
- Less common symptoms are –
- Sore throat.
- Severe headache.
- Aches.
- Pains.
- Diarrhea.
- Rash on skin.
- Discoloration of fingers or toes.
- Red irritated eyes.
Serious symptoms of omicron – Omicron symptoms severity
- Shortness of breath.
- Difficulty in breathing.
- Loss of speech.
- Difficulty in mobility.
- Chest pain.
- Confusion in mind.
- Night sweats.
- Uncommon symptoms –
- Loose motions.
- Abdominal cramps.
Omicron variant is a fast spreading variant of COVID–19. However, it has different symptoms than other variants of COVID–19. Post omicron complications remain for months together even post recovery. However, the patient might be suffering from even mild symptoms.
As it is fast or rapid spreading antigen, keep yourself isolated so as to prevent other members of family. One can check by using Rapid antigen testing. If it is negative along with the symptoms of omicron go for RTPCR test so that none can miss any COVID omicron cases. As a result, it also ensures you that you will not spread it anymore anywhere. / dr garima asati
Denmark, one of the fastest spreading zone of Omicron variant of COVID-19 has given some results of re-infection of this Omicron variant. Once you get infected doesn’t assure you that you will never get affected again.
image source from press democrat
What to do in Omicron to end Pandemic?
Above all, prevention is always better than cure. As we all know that omicron variant is fast spreading than other variants. It is highly infectious so everyone should be very cautious. In conclusion, wear mask properly in public areas and high-risk places as well that too in hospitals, medical areas especially.
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